April 25, 2022
County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health – Order of the Health Officer
For the most up to date Reopening Protocols for the K-12 Schools see the County Protocols here.
August 24, 2021
County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health – Order of the Health Officer
Reopening Protocols for the K-12 Schools: Appendix T1 21-22 County Protocols
February 1, 2021
County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health – Order of the Health Officer
November 30, 2020
Primary Group’s First Day Back to School!

October 21, 2020
We have opened the admission process for the 2021-2022 school year. Because of COVID, our hosted visit and application interviews will be virtual this year. Please see our admission section to get more information about how to apply!
October 8, 2020
County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health – Order of the Health Officer
Reopening Protocols for K-12 Schools: Appendix T1

Monday, September 21, 2020
Our Nursery School Opens!
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
This is an incredibly trying time for everyone in the world. The separation we have from one another—coupled with the broader anxieties of this moment—are testing all of us. As we adjust and adapt to all of these new things, we wanted to be in touch with you, our wider community, about how it’s going at Play Mountain Place.
One month ago, on March 13, 2020, we closed our physical school grounds in alignment with schools across the country and in compliance with local and state government mandates. The situation has been evolving rapidly and the Board of Trustees and the Director have been meeting, remotely, on a regular basis to discuss all the ramifications of this unprecedented time in history.
Since that time, like many schools, our staff and students have come together to shift into this new landscape of remote play and learning online. Teachers are holding Morning Meetings and story times with all ages of children and the Mountain Yard teachers are conducting classes on line. Our teachers and admin staff have also reached out to our families to provide emotional and practical support, when needed.
Play Mountain Place is a vibrant and exciting learning environment that depends on personal and tactile contact; though in this very challenging time, we are learning how to stay true to our mission and still be safe and prudent. We are especially thankful to the teachers during this time, and the wonderful, thoughtful classes and activities they have created to keep some continuity of the school day for our students.
The Board of Trustees has come together as well, and have worked to define our commitments during this time. We are committed to keeping our children’s program going until we can be back at school while continuing to pay our staff salaries and benefits until the end of the school year. We are also committed to keeping the school fiscally sound and continuing into the future.
Since this crisis is stretching our resources as well, the Board is looking into benefits offered in the Federal Stimulus plan and other resources offered to non-profits and small businesses.
We are doing our part to keep each other safe in solidarity with everyone in the world. This also means that, sadly, we will cancel the annual Spring Bazaar for this year. We are sad not to be able to hold this special event with our community this year, and will miss the connection we get from being on the historic campus together.
All of this is a big challenge, and we need your help. Please consider donating to Play Mountain Place. We know we are not the only organization impacted by COVID-19, but we believe that what we do—providing children with a play-based, child-directed, non-authoritarian educational environment and also providing parents with tools to build respectful communication within their families—is important to you, our community, and will also be a part of how we recover.
All of us at Play Mountain Place hope that wherever you are in the world, that you can take good care, will stay safe, and be well.