by Rosie Frost, Teacher
“It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood, a beautiful day for a neighbor!
Would you be mine? Could you be mine?” – Mister Rogers
Our intrepid wanderers in House Group this year adventured up and down our neighborhood streets, greeting people, hearing their stories, learning about our local businesses, and growing empathy through the knowing of others.
Together, our group facilitated visits to many local businesses over the course of the year. We heard from their owners what they do, building a sense of community spirit, and in turn, understanding and trusting our place within that community.
We mapped our visits and walks, opening up a dialogue about where we went, how we walked there, and where we wanted to go next.
As this curriculum grew, we heard from the children about their curiosities and creativity. Together, we developed the “I Don’t Know” walk, where we used a coin with “Left” and “Right” on each side, and flipped it each time we came to a fork in the road. On one such walk, we happened upon three businesses and were gifted a delicious popsicle (sugar-free) in the end!
All of our neighborhood walks helped us to connect with our neighbors and make the most of our beautiful days!
2017-18 School Year